Nodal Analysis With Voltage Source
There are three things which we should consider before doing the nodal analysis;
First: We should identify and point out how many nodes are present in the circuit given.
Second: If a supernode is present, consider in mind that a supernode has no voltage identified as its own.
Third: Put a reference node.
Remember that voltage source affects the nodal analysis and we should analyze the possibilities and the pros and cons. There are cases to be followed especially in doing the analysis of the nodes.
If the voltage source is connected between the reference node and non-reference node, the non-reference node is equal to the voltage source.
If the voltage source is connected into two non-reference node. The non-reference node is called a SUPERNODE.
* KCL and KVL are to be applied to determine the voltages on that par
There are three nodes present in this circuit. Nodes V1, V2, & V3.
Defined from our last blog, a supernode means closed surface connected with a voltage source and two nodes.
Therefore, the node formed V2 & V3 is called a SUPERNODE.